Immune System Boosters

Boost Immune System

1) Healthy Balanced Diet
2) Exercise
3) Sleep


Here are some of the food sources that boost the immune system. It is essential we include above sources in our daily diet.

Try preparing food containing these ingredients everyday to help your body build stronger immune system that can fight infections, get rid of toxins easily.
  • Chickpea (Curry,Hummus)
  • Garlic (Raw, cooked in curry)
  • Bell Pepper / Capsicum
  • Spinach (Cooked)
  • Strawberries
  • Yogurt
  • Mushrooms

Build stronger bones by adding calcium to your diet but only from natural sources like:
  • Yogurt
  • Oranges
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Spinach,
  • Figs
  • Almonds
  • Fish
  • Shrimps

Having stronger bones will make bone marrow will help fight disease naturally mitigating use of medicines that comes with side effects.


In addition to the diet 15-35 min daily exercise is absolutely important to have healthy immunes system

1) Gym

If you are comfortable to work with iron alongside other people, it's a good option for you. However lifting heavy weights doesn't mean your immunes system is also strong. Add aerobics to the routine and work on core strength and stamina.

2) Home Workout

If you are not comfy with too many people around while your work your body, you are not alone. You can workout at home just as well as in the gym (except lifting weight to gain muscle) but increase core strength, build stamina, stretch muscles with simple exercise that are effective. Stretching,Planking, pushups, squats are enough to keep you fit.


Get at least 6-8 hours sleep minimum to maximum.

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